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Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Taylor Swift on the Cover of InStyle Magazine December 2009

Taylor Swift on the Cover of InStyle Magazine December 2009

Country Taylor Swift looks fantastic on the cover of the latest issue of InStyle Magazine December 2009. Taylor continues to assert that she has a boyfriend and really enjoy the unique Life has even been seen on several occasions with Twilight.

The issue shows Swift on the cover with a gold dress. Showing the first signs of maturity, "said Taylor Swift, "When you start to think at all, stop being who you are and start being who you think should be I will continue to be who I am."

She said to magazine "I never thought it was a curse to be unique, and at this point in my life, I'm thinking about when they choose to be single -], which I easily scented candles and write in my diary, and I have no time for that if I have a boyfriend now! "


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