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Saturday, 7 November 2009

Fergie Ferg on Cosmopolitan Magazine Covers December 2009

Fergie Ferg on Cosmopolitan Magazine Covers December 2009 photos

So Monday evening, Heather and I were watching a sort of new year countdown Thingie Blah Blah Blah, as Fergie appeared, and confessed to each other through our champagne flutes have been looking so adorable and hardly has recently surfaced with plaid hot pants to nothing and now I think we find it a bit like her, and she is beautiful.

All that sex-related rumor-mongering aside (apparently, beyond giving us cancer, our boyfriends are all of us in monitoring some creepy website. Is one of the suggested 10 ways to feel safer naked "can not read any second article in this magazine?) program is clearly Cosmo this month revival style crushing Miss Fergie FERG silverfish are a little uncomfortable. This picture does not look remotely like her, and she was dressed as a cashier at Forever XXI, but without the benefit of getting fifteen percent of the clothes that are almost free. Listen, I know FERG old is busy calling everyone who made fun of her for herself and him peeing methamphetamine and crowing about his impending wedding to Josh " Smokin ' Duhamel and all the piles of cash, which was crazy good in years, and legs (I'm sure my phone rings at a time), but once he has done with it, maybe you should call your lawyer and see if you can ask for that kind of thing. I certainly caused some emotional suffering.

Fergie Ferg on Cosmopolitan Magazine Covers December 2009 pics

Fergie Ferg on Cosmopolitan Magazine Covers December 2009 pictures


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