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Thursday, 5 November 2009

Carrie Underwood on ‘Lucky’ Magazine

Carrie Underwood on Lucky Magazine photo

Carrie Underwood is stunning in Rebecca Taylor silk chiffon jacket combination of frost on the cover of December 2009 Lucky. The 26-year-old Grammy winner, whose play CD is in stores today, is one of "the lowest of the magazine cover girls of the keys." Carrie said that she is a pleasant relaxed: "I love getting dressed when I'm in front of an audience," common ", but in my time off, nothing suggests a large pair of sweats."

American Idol alum Carrie Underwood Covers Lucky Magazine December, and according to the size of which is one of the lowest core cover girls, I have had.Carrie served that even makes her own clothes while on tour to work in the home that feels like home. You can register to win Carrie see deck - equipment worth over $ 3200 in total!

Carrie Underwood on Lucky Magazine pics

Carrie Underwood on Lucky Magazine pictures


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