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Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Ashley Greene’s in Maxim Magazine Cover

Ashley Greene at Maxim PhotoShoot

Ashley Greene is the cover girl of Maxim Magazine version of December, just in time for the madness of New Moon. (I've had my tickets for two months, have you?) Although the magazine is not being beaten by a couple of weeks, the dissemination of photographs and excerpts from a recent interview, were not disclosed.

Ashley is a beautiful girl and looks great on the cover and pictures inside, but not much Maxim - more Elle. Star may appear to be trying to tone down after a nude photo scandal just months ago. Anyway, we're a fan, and I can not say anything bad. "[I love] Cullen whole scene where Bella and Jasper cut the paper goes crazy - you have not seen that part of it yet. The performances are great, and the dynamic is really great. It was one of my scenes to Favorite see."

Ashley Greene who plays Alice Cullen in the Twilight saga, was born in Jacksonville, Fla., and moved to Los Angeles, California, 17-year-old to pursue a career in show business. Ashley Greene, who would only be a model, but withdrew when told he was not high enough for the job, took acting classes, fell in love with him ... and boom, instant actress!


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