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Monday, 14 September 2009

Vodka Punishment for Chris Martin

Vodka punishment for Chris Martin Chris Martin forces himself to drink vodka to remind him "Not To be an Idiot".

Coldplay front man meet the bizarre ritual, which caused an incident in the early days of the panel when he chastised his teammates to fire their drummer Will Champion, making him drunk.

According to Chris, who "began when he had to apologize for our drummer Will boys about 10 years ago? And he added it was" Three days later the rest of us feel really miserable and ask Will meet with me and out the Monkey bassist Guy Berryman in chewing a bar in Camden, London, where we ask you again."

In more than Chris says, "now if I'm making a big mistake, I have to force I to take things to remind me not am so stupid!"

Meanwhile, Chris admits that he became very nervous about the band embarks on the British leg of his current tour on Saturday when they played in Manchester.


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