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Sunday, 20 September 2009

Clive Barker's "Book of Blood"

clive barker's book of bloo

Book of blood film of the same name adapted from the story in the Books of Blood, to hit the remaining thirty stories. It has been an international movement since May 2008, but the final is scheduled for a U.S. September 22 this year. It is two days' time, people.

Starring: Sophie Ward and Jonas Armstrong

Envelope based on a story written by Clive Barker in "writer Books of Blood" collection, psychic researcher Mary Florescu, medium to Simon McNeal to investigate a haunted house. McNeal, at first, he begins to fake his vision, but real ghosts are presented. They attack him and cut the words into his flesh, and those words, says the narrator, is the rest of the stories, stories written in a literal, living Book of Blood.

Book of Blood Video (YouTube)


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