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Friday, 11 September 2009

Group Work vs Team Work My First Experience

team work

It would be amazing experience that you are working on some project containing some people who are more than the player of some particular team player.

Because whenever u doing some works on particular project, you can share your own experience with all people from your group because it will help you to make your work amazing. It is only happens by sharing the ideas of group and their own happiness which makes our project work very interesting. Hats why your project contains the thing, which presents the all meaning of your project rightly and you can make your work and name of your group great.

In addition, you really thought that the experience you a lesson to stay away from people. Who always think everything in their own agendas and egos rather than a common purpose in the work? environment and a person is enough to make a good team to a block clean, what ever it is you to saw a practice, as us studied the theory of our technique anyway the story ended well now you are in a "team" instead of "group".


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