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Monday, 31 August 2009

Nick Jonas Dead

Nick Jonas Dead

This is what I heard ... idk if it's true."It's a sad day for the family Jonas, Nick Jonas died today, Monday, August 18th, 2008. One of the brothers of the famous pop band the Jonas Brothers, who died of pancreatic cancer, a malignant tumor the pancreas. The youngest of the band's brothers, Nicholas Jerry Jonas was born on 16 September 1992, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in late May 2008.

From the family of Nick Jonas supports through chemotherapy at all, and made sure it was as comfortable as possible, but it was not helping to alleviate cancer. There were complications due to Nick JOnas'previous diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Nick Jonas and the family decided not to tell the fans because they do not want them to worry and did not want fans bombarding the family during this difficult time.

The family was unaware that Nick had cancer diagnosis until late in May due to pancreatic cancer symptoms are nonspecific. Because of its. Diabetes, not some of the symptoms, feel good and abdominal pain, was thought to be attributable to diabetes, and the family never sought additional treatment or diagnosis until Nick began to see jaundice and was unable to maintain a healthy weight.

The family is in mourning, and will hold a private funeral on Friday, and second public memorial for fans on Saturday."


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