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Friday, 28 August 2009

Kelly Osbourne Reveals Past Vicodin Addiction In New Book

Kelly Osbourne Reveals Past Vicodin Addiction In New Book

In the 25 years in September and the book of pigeon, a "strong", offering advice Kelly Retrieved from people in the industry and various agitators, the daughter of Ozzy and Sharon revealed that he once had problems with abuse of prescription drugs, reported Popeater.

Kelly reportedly wrote that after having been prescribed Vicodin, use of analgesics eventually spiral out of control."At this point I was waking up and discharge of six Vicodin in my hand. Soon I took 50 pills a day," Kelly wrote in the book, according Popeater. "Most people die of an overdose from 10 My friends called me" Noddy "because I fell asleep all the time. Initially, Kelly kept his addiction to pills by her parents, the report said.

My parents suspects. Mother would say, 'Darling, have a drink? Tell your mother." But I was good at lying, "she reportedly wrote.
Kelly was sent to rehab in Malibu's Promises, the same place Britney Spears has previously received treatment.


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